Sugarcanes and Weathervanes

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"There she is."

"Who is she?"

"Charmaine Conrad." I looked at the girl sitting in the middle row of the classroom, but closer to the board. Her face was obscured by her long hair as she scribbles something in her notebook. She hears someone walking towards her and looks up to see who it is. Her face was a simple work of art. She wasn't ugly, nor was she dazzling. despite that, I can't help but notice that the way her face and eyes move to the person approaching gives her an aura of eerie elegance.

"What about her?" I asked Darrell.

"Shh. Just look." I turn my attention back to her as a boy sat beside her, smile on his face.

"Hey Charmy!" She gives a slight nod, her face expressionless but polite.

"So I was thinking, do you wanna go to the movies with me some time?" he asked. Charmaine raised her eyebrows.

"You're asking me out?" she asks, her voice mildly curious, but carefully monotoned. The guy continues to grin.


"Why?" It was the same curious tone, but I have a feeling there is more to that.

"Because I like you?" he answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Really? I appreciate the sentiment but can you prove it?" She merely asks again.

"I could if you would go watch a movie with me." he retorts.

Charmaine smiled sarcastically.

"Nice try, Gabe. But no." She simply replied. The guy, Gabe's, brows furrowed. Charmaine resumes writing in her notebook.

"Why not? I thought you like me? You even told me that back then! I thought you were rejecting the other guys because you like me." Charmaine looks up from her notebook, looking final.

"Liked. Past tense dude, past tense." Charmaine goes back to writing and an awkward silence then ensues, to which Charmaine was probably oblivious to, until Gabe stands up and leaves. Dan tugged me out of the classroom before Gabe sees us.

"That was the third person this month!" Darrell exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "People have been asking her out for ages but she never says yes to anybody!"

"Maybe she's a lesbian." I joked.

"Her? Nooo. She definitely likes boys. Some people say she even used to date boys." Darrell whispered all too conspirationally. I rolled my eyes.

"Wonder what happened though?" Dan just shook his head.

"I don't know."


Ah, lunchtime. Darrell and I are walking towards the cafeteria, where food awaits. Contrary to popular belief, our cafeteria actually hosts a good selection of foods, which Darrell tells me every time we eat, because I always have a packed lunch.

"...and people also used to say she wasn't always like this. Some of them claim that she used to be a guy--"

"Do you seriously believe in those rumors, Darrell?" I stopped walking and looked at him.

"Nope, but I did that to get your attention." He grinned. I groaned.

"Why does that girl interest you so much anyway?"

"Because she is interesting! People say that she used to have this massive crush on Gabe last year, and she even rejects him! It's just so--weird! I mean no girl would do that. No girl would deny a date with a cute guy. Make that 3 cute guys on her part." Darrell looked at me. "What do you think?" We both stopped at the cafeteria entrance and looked at him again.

"I think that you need to stop listening to these 'people'." I deadpanned. "Maybe she just doesn't want to see anybody at the moment, that's all." I then turned my head to look for a vacant space in the cafeteria.


A/N: So I actually started writing again :D I don't know the title for this story is yet, but I have some general plot lines set down, so yeah enjoy! all of this is mine except for the names. Mesh gave me the name Darrell, Conrad is Tom Conrad's surname, and Gabe is Gabe XD


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